Blitz (273/640)

Date:29 Aug 99 at 22:57:26
Subject:RE: Future of Amiga

On 30-Aug-99, Jonas Thorell wrote:

C=(not to mention stable) OS's but as far as requirement goes, the above specs
C=is low-end.

Well duh!!!! It IS low end cause the OS needs ever more excessive amounts of
resources. In other words, the OS and other bulk programs up the `low-end`
level with blinding speed. I recall a webserver/site based on a C=64 or C=128.
The stupidity of especially the pc world is terrible and I will never spend my
$$ on it.


-*AMOREL*- musician/programmer \ \ Amiga 1200T/PPC/040/32/2g more shit \ \ Good old C=64 and an attitude!
Will program/compose for food \ \ / /Half a decent studio
Ever tried: \ \/ /Contact me for bookings,\/\/productions,demos,programs...

-*Oscillating filter if registered! Amoralplayer1.3, a no fuss audioplayer*-

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